anyway, it was so crowded at the courts that our patience only allowed us to play 1 game. it was a complete fiasco, save for the larger number of babes... (muggy, u sux! ur worse than kel!!... hahaha)
so we left siloso for palawan to meet yf n her frens who were having ice cream near the bridge. we were thinking that nothing worse could be waiting for us at palawan. but lo n behold, we found ourselves right in the heart of little india!! woohooo!! (seriously, no offence meant...) and i was simply amazed by the view of the bridge... check it out!
i've nv seen so many ppl on the bridge before. apparently there was something going on in that area such that the cluster in the middle of the bridge simply refused to disperse.
anyway, we met up briefly wif yf n frens, only to be greeted by an evil concoction of sand n flour zzz... then did i find out that they were celebrating their fren's bday, who's a fellow course mate who din recognise me... (it muz be bcos she wasnt wearing her glasses then, like wat she said.... muz be....) sadded hahaha
(to be continued... i need to get some dota revision before sch starts...)
1 comment:
i juz cant wait to go to sentosa!
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