Vicsky's playlist

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

home sweet(?) home...

finally back to reality... the dream which lasted for 18 days has ended... it was a beautiful dream... how i wished it would never end... but it wouldnt have been beautiful if it was an neverending dream...

like all things beautiful, this dream is beginning to fade away - into the deep recesses of my mind... but the essence of it's beauty would be etched in my heart...

i've realised saying goodbye is always the most beautiful part of life, anything and everything that happened before bear no weight at all when it's time to say goodbye...

the scene of departing from the village was really powerful; reminded me of the scene i moved back to my own home after living in my grandparents' home for the first 6 years of my life, and the korean movie "going home"... can u see the commonality in these 3 most impactful moments in my life?


pam said...

yup, bidding good-bye is always so difficult. i will always rmb that scene for a long time.

gibson said...

do tears always go along with goodbyes?